В Череповце заместитель генпрокурора России провел личный прием по вопросам ЖКХ

Алексей Захаров принял 12 череповчан...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Cherepovets information site CPV.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Anton Strizhov
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Vologda region)
Aleksey Zakharov
Last position: Deputy Attorney-General (General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation)
Oleg Dimoni
Last position: Representative (Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Vologda region)
Vadim Germanov
Last position: Mayor (City Administration of Cherepovets city)
Andrey Mikhaylovich Timoshichev
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Vologda region)