The mistress of an aggressive dog will pay 150 thousand for the bitten-off finger of the resident of Sverdlovsk

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Ivdel's City Court of the Ivdel city of the Sverdlovsk region (Sverdlovsk Region) collected from the mistress of a dog 150 thousand rubles for attack on the neigbour. Incident took place in January, 2022. As reported EAN in Sayt Sverdlovsk region regional court, the dog of breed the Tibetan mastiff escaped from the open-air cage and attacked the neigbour who has entered the yard together with the mistress of a dog. The woman received multiple lacerations of a palm of the right hand and lost a finger to level of an average phalanx. The victim submitted claim to City Court of the Ivdel city of the Sverdlovsk region to the mistress of a dog. She asked to collect the cost of treatment of 212 576 rubles, transportation costs – 9 161 ruble, compensation...