"Roma" lost to "Kremoneza" in the Series A match

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In a duel of the 24th round of the championship "Roma" on departure lost Italy caused a stir. Soccer. Italy. A series A to Kremoneza — Goly:1:0 Rum 2:1 Frank Tsadzhut (17'), 1:1 Leonardo Spinatstsola (71'), 2:1 Daniel Chofani (penalty) (83') to Kremoneza: Marco Benassi Karnesekki, Ferrari Alex (Vlad Kirikesh, 84'), Matteo Byanchetti, Khoan Felipe Vaskes Ibarra, Leonardo Sernicola (Paolo Ghiglione, 84'), Sharl Pikel (Pablo Inacio Galdames Milan, 78'), Marco Benassi, Valerie Emanuel, Felix Afena-Gyan...