The ex-art director theaters Gogol's name Yashin Sergei called big loss death of the colleague Svetlana Bragarnik

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The ex-art director theaters Gogol's name Yashin Sergei called big loss death of the colleague Svetlana Bragarnik the Former art director STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "MDT NAMED AFTER N. V. GOGOLYA" Yashin Sergei called big loss death of the actress Svetlana Bragarnik. For long years the actress played almost in all its statements, and most often she got leading roles. "Many years we were creatively connected, and communication with it as with the remarkable actress and as the surprising person, of course, was pleasure. It was interesting to work with it" — Yashin Sergei TV channel 360 ° quote. He added that Svetlana Bragarnik adored working and...