In Bratsk drama theater put performance on a trasyanka – mixes of the Belarusian and Russian languages

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The play "Kamedyya" is everywhere put to Belarus since 1787 when it was written by the monk Kaetan Marashevsky, having laid the foundation of national dramatic art. The eternal subject of a mortgage between the person and an underworld – who whom will bedaub, - became classics. To Russian Federation, in Bratsk it is the third statement – after the Perm theaters "At the Bridge" and Youth theaters Altay. The actor and the director Vorobyev Andrey, arrived of Barnaul: - I am in love with this play since saw its embodiment at the Minsk Alternative theater Rudov Vladimir. Behind deliberate simplicity and humour is...
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Matveev
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Vorobyev Andrey
Rudov Vladimir
Butin Igor
Zhilin Pawel