Russians redeemed logistic business A.P. Moller – Maersk Group in Russian Federation

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Soderzhaniyeaktiva Pokazatelya activity 2022: Loss more than $700 million because of withdrawal from Russian Federation 2021: Record profit in the history of Denmark History 2023: A.P. Moller – Maersk Group sold logistic business A.P. Moller – Maersk Group in Russian Federation with the right of the return repayment 2022 Decision on liquidation of the affiliated company in Russian Federation A.P. Moller – Maersk Group sells 30,75% in LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY GLOBAL PORTS" to Group of companies "Delo" Sergei Nikolaevich Shishkarev the Plan of withdrawal from Russian Federation and export of 50 thousand containers from the country a work Suspension in Russian Federation against special operation of VS of Russian Federation in Ukraine Start of the enterprise for charging of electric sea vessels of Stillstrom the Plan of achievement of a carbon neutrality by 2040 2021...