Basketball. Belarusians will play at a stage of League of friendship on basketball 3kh3

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Two Belarusian teams start today at the fifth stage of League of friendship on basketball 3kh3 in Russian Desnogorsk. The leader of the overall ranking a national team Belarus in preliminary group "C" will meet Russian teams "Rosatomtekh" and "Bad Boys". As a part of Belarusians will play Sergei Ivanovich Vabishchevich, Kirill Vaskovtsov, Marinin Ian and Milashevsky Ilya. In the current season the Belarusian team became the winner of the second and third stages. In group "A" Belarusian "Ostrovts's" rivals which will support Kudryavtsev Alexander, Volodkin Kirill, Roman Verobey and Baldin Aleksey, will be "Guns N...