Federal Service for Intellectual Property told about development technologies Artificial intelligence

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Federal Service for Intellectual Property pays priority attention to legal protection of technical solutions with application Artificial intelligence. The profile working group of department works over improvement of examinations such decisions, unification of patenting of development. Good indicators on replacement of import decisions show the domestic IT companies in such directions, as anti-virus protection, Quantum technologies, systems Machine training. The deputy head told on February 16 Federal Service for Intellectual Property Frolov Valery at opening of the V International scientific forum "A step to the future: the artificial...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Voloshin
Last position: Acting as director (Department development of digital economy of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
Oksana Smirnova-Krell
Last position: Vice-president for technology development of banking products (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Vadim Medvedev
Last position: CEO (FUND NTI)
Frolov Valery
Borisenko Grigory