"Teacher, trainer and friend". As the father Ovechkin Mikhail influenced career of the son

@RBK Sport
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Ovechkin Mikhail , the father of the best Russian goal-scorer in the history of National Hockey League Alexander Ovechkin, died on February 15. As the father of the hockey player influenced his career — in a selection "daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Sports" the Captain of Hockey club "Vashington Kepitalz" Alexander Ovechkin because of an illness of the father Ovechkin Mikhail left on February 14 a club arrangement. Next day the hockey player reported that his father died on the 72nd year of life. "Today there was no my father … I thank all for support, but I ask to treat with understanding and not to disturb my family in so heavy time for us! Thanks" — was written by Alexander Ovechkin in social networks. Ovechkin Mikhail — the former football player...