In the Oryol Cossack military school passed competition "The Cossack family tree"

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According to the plan of educational work in the Oryol Cossack military school passed competition "The Cossack family tree", devoted to the 270 anniversary of the ataman Platova M. I.. The competition purpose consisted in formation at the cadet of interest to national history through history of the family, their familiarizing with spiritual heritage Russian Federation and on this basis education of responsibility for destiny of the state and society. In a current of 3 months cadets carried out enormous work with family archives, with archives Rostov Region. With it they were helped by parents, class teachers. Competition was carried out to two stages, representatives...
Alexander Korotkov
Last position: Director of JSC Partner Private Security Company
Platova M. I.
Platov M. I.
Frolenko M. F.
Solovyevy Denise