On February 13, 2023 on website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta" article of the manager by Department of the European political researches of polit.n is published. Nadezhda Arbatova "To simplify society, to give to the people one idea". In the XXI century

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On February 13, 2023 on website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta" article of the manager by Department of the European political researches of polit.n is published. Nadezhda Arbatova "To simplify society, to give to the people one idea". In the XXI century it is difficult to imagine return to totalitarianism in its extreme historical manifestations. Nevertheless in recent years in Europe and revival of militant right radical extremist groups is watched its limits (like German "reykhsbyurger" or "a national socialist underground"), uniting in a network for the organization of acts of violence against political opponents and...