The national team Russian Federation won Cup of Legends of a name of Konstantin Eremenko — 2023

@Moskovskaja pravda
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Nearly five thousand audience gathered in "Megasport" on next, already the 15th tournament Cup of Legends of a name of Konstantin Eremenko. The national team Russian Federation, made of known football players who finished career, in the final won in a match with "Legends Commonwealth of Independent States" with the score 6:4. The national team Russian Federation for the 14th time became the winner of tournament, having conceded a title only in 2020 of "the National team of Stars". Structure combined Russian Federation on tournament: […] The message the National team Russian Federation won Cup of Legends of a name of Konstantin Eremenko — 2023 appeared at first on Moskovskaya pravda...
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Konstantin Golovskoy
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer of FC Fiztekh Dolgoprudny (Non-commercial partnership "Fiztekh-Soyuz")