In Saint Petersburg will pass tours Viktyuk's THEATER ROMANA VIKTYUKA

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Within the Petersburg tours on February 18 and 19 Roman Viktyuk's Moscow THEATER ROMANA VIKTYUKA will show on a recreation center scene of Leningrad Soviet Roman Viktyuk — "Masenky matrimonial games" (16%2B) and "The master and Margarita" (16%2B). The performance "Masenky Matrimonial Games" will open tours, as the director of the restored version Borovikov Andrey acted, the premiere took place on October 24, 2022. At the heart of performance — the play "Trump" of the Polish writer and the playwright Zapolskaya Gabriel, the author of one of the most popular plays of Russian theaters "Morals of the lady Dulskaya". In the plot center — two married couples — newlyweds the Front sight and...