"Samara" in an overtime beat "Minsk" in a match of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB"

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BQ "Minsk" in a house match of the Stage of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" suffered defeat in an overtime from "Samara" — 78:87 FROM (19:16, 22:17, 18:25, 12:13, 7:16) the Most productive player of a match as a part of residents of Samara became Ennis James, the gathered 21 point. 20 more points on the account Knight Marcos. For Minskers Bendzhamin-Pavel Dudu caused a stir, 14 points which have written down into the account, 13 more points were gathered by Dakuan Breysi. "Samara" with balance of victories and defeats 9-15 goes on the eighth place in standings. "Minsk" has only 1 victory in 25 matches. In the following match of the second stage of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" "Samara" will play on February 15 on...
Bendzhamin-Pavel Dudu
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (BQ "Tsmokі-Mіnsk")
Ennis James
Knight Marcos