Сегодня: Людмиле Артемьевой - 60

10 февраля 2023 года, пятницаСергей Проханов и Янина Студилина расскажут про 30-летие Театра Луны.Олег Газманов расскажет в ТАСС про...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «InterMedia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Oleg Gazmanov
Last position: Singer, composer
Janina Studilina
Last position: Actress
Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov
Last position: President (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "Theater Luny")
Yegor Maksimovich Drozd
Last position: Actor
Rose Syabitova
Last position: Co-host of the telecast "Let's Get Married" (JSC Channel One Russia)