The deputy prosecutor of the republic Shevchenko Vasilii will carry out reception of inhabitants Prionezhsky district, Segezha district, Medvezhyegorsk district and Kondopoga district

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The deputy prosecutor of the republic Shevchenko Vasilii within work of the mobile reception prosecutor of the republic will carry out receptions of inhabitants Prionezhsky district, Segezha district, Medvezhyegorsk district and Kondopoga district. Date, time and reception venue: 10.02.2023 from 15.00 till 16.00 reception of inhabitants Prionezhsky district indoors prosecutor's offices Prionezhsky district; 15.02.2023 (time will be reported in addition) reception of inhabitants Segezha district in building prosecutor's offices Segezha district; 17.02.2023 (time will be reported in addition) reception of inhabitants Medvezhyegorsk district indoors prosecutor's offices Medvezhyegorsky...