Samara Region paid 50,6 million rubles according to the 10th coupon of bonds to the 15th series

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Samara. February 7. INTERFAX-VOLGA REGION - Samara Region paid 50,6 million rubles on account of repayment of the 10th coupon of bonds to a series 35015, is reported on a site of the regional ministry of managements by finance. On one bond 10,12 rubles at the rate of rates of the coupon of 5,8% per annum are paid. Earlier it was reported that Samara Region placed on August 11, 2020 a six-year bonded loan of a series 35015 on 5 billion rubles with the fixed coupon income. The rate of the 1st coupon is established of 5,8% per annum. On bonds payment 24 quarter coupons is provided and depreciation is long: in 2022-...