"Tricolour" summed up the work results in 2022

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Soderzhaniyepokazateli activity 2022: Growth of client base to 12,283 million users 2021: Growth of client base to 12,261 million users 2019: Growth of number of corporate clients of the Tricolour by 36% 2018: Revenue — 21 billion rubles of Services History 2020: Initiation of 11 criminal cases concerning pirates 2018: Rebranding 2017 Revenue — 19,1 billion rubles 21 administrative productions and 13 criminal cases in connection with violation of the rights "TV Tricolour" 2016: Revenue — 17,9 billion rubles 2015: The revenue — 14,85 billion rubles 2014 Growth of revenue by 28% to 10,4 billion rubles "TV Tricolour" moves from Moscow in...