Now salary police officers in Alma-Ata depends on overall performance

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On February 3 – SM.News news agency. The chief of police Almaty declared that salary law enforcement officers will be influenced by KPI indicator. About it writes periodical e-edition "". The head of police Almaty Arystangani Rasilkhanovich Zapparov is sure that after an innovation employees will cease to be late and will show the best results. As the key indicator of efficiency will regulate payment of their work. Zapparov cited as an example lva police crew where one works and dries all calls, and another simply sits in the car. It will be more fair if those who well work, are and salary to receive...
Arystangani Rasilkhanovich Zapparov
Last position: Head of the department of police of Almaty region (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)