police officers Kazakhstan will tie Salary to KPI

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police officers Kazakhstan will tie Salary to KPI indicator (key indicators of efficiency — "Lenty.Ra") law enforcement officers of the republic, the chief of police told a comment Almaty Arystangani Rasilkhanovich Zapparov. His words are transferred by Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the <3> Sputnik Neighboring countries channel. Zapparov cited as an example a regiment of patrol force, having specified that on the best positions there will be those crews which serve more calls and are not late. "Well, here, we — one crew, and they — another. We loaf, and they serve all calls. The end of month comes. We will draw 30 interest bonus, and they...
Arystangani Rasilkhanovich Zapparov
Last position: Head of the department of police of Almaty region (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Blinov Maxime