Doctor Badma Nikolaevich Bashankaev: my way to Donets Basin was predetermined

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"People who here — they stronger, more integral, and they can even be put on leading positions in other places because they not for a purse, they for the Homeland. If they were for a purse, they would escape long ago". Interview to the deputy Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on health protection the doctor Badma Nikolaevich Bashankaev With the doctor, the deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the vice-chairman Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on health protection Badma Nikolaevich Bashankaev we got acquainted in April of last year. First by phone: one federal TV channel directed me to Badma Nikolaevich Bashankaev on interview, we agreed about a meeting, but I...