Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization ASIRIS in 2023 will develop the concept of improvement of sources of the Devonian sea in Lyskov

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independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" - Deryabin Maxime Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization ASIRIS in 2023 will develop the concept of improvement of sources of the Devonian sea in Lyskov. Representatives of agencies reported about it in social networks. According to information, project details on a place of future improvement architects discussed, the deputy head of Administration of the municipal district Lyskovsk of the Nizhny Novgorod region Igor Dobrotvorsky, and also the businessman and the patron Zorov Aleksey. In the territory of sources it is planned to establish benches, to equip otsypny paths to sources, a font, an observation deck and a parking. As noted in agency "ASIRIS", the history of sources totals...