Igor Trukhnevich can become the person involved in criminal case for a diploma fake

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The first deputy of chapter of Administration of the Ordzhonikidzevskoye district of the Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan 60-year-old Igor Trukhnevich was compelled to leave the post after public prosecutor's checking. Auditors in shoulder straps found out that when Igor Trukhnevich in 2010 got a job in the regional city hall, it showed the counterfeit diploma FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "UGNTU", TO UGNT, UFA STATE OIL POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. This fact unworthy the official was elicited during check of administration Ordzhonikidzevsky rayon the capitals Republic of Bashkortostan regarding performance of the legislation on counteraction corruptions. Prosecutors checked authenticity of the diploma...