To Russian Federation deliveries of credits] gre

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Decline in demand for consumer credits as a whole over the country was replaced by sharp revival. It was promoted by economy stabilization, approach of New Year's holidays and the coming nearer termination of preferential programs of crediting. However early to speak about market restoration. Following the results of 2022 the expected volume of deliveries will make about 15% less, than last year. Thus by 2023 emergence of new factors of decrease in demand for credits is expected, - reports newspaper "Kommersant". According to analytical agencies LLC "Frenk advertising group", after October falling in November growth of deliveries of consumer credits was observed...
Rustam Rafikov
Last position: Chairman (Yanaul district district court Republic of Bashkortostan)
Spivakov Andrey
Lopatin Yegor
Polukhin Mikhail
Babina Irina
JSC Expert RA
Main activity:Communication and IT
PJSC Rosbank
Main activity:Finance