The American ceased to direct tekhnokompaniya division to Russian Federation

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The American manager Jonathan Sparrou went from a post of the head of division of a tekhnokompaniya of Cisco Systems, Inc. to Russian Federation, on this post it was replaced by Goryushina Natalia. About it transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to EGRYuL data. It is noted that the head replaced at one of the Russian affiliated companies — LLC "Cisco Systems" which is registered in the country since 2006. According to data from the register, transition happened on January 25 this year. Jonathan Sparrou headed division since 2014. Thus Jonathan Sparrou continue to remain the head LLC "CISCO SOLYUSHENZ", the second legal entity of Cisco Systems, Inc. to Russian Federation. By data agencies...
Jonathan Sparrou
Last position: Vice-president of the company (Cisco)
Goryushina Natalia