Professor Alexander Mikhaylovich Butenko called safe the forecast on a situation from Koronavirus to Russian Federation

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The head of department of scientific research institute of epidemiology and microbiology of N. Gamalei Alexander Mikhaylovich Butenko declared that on a situation with Koronavirus to Russian Federation it is possible to call the forecast safe. Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" "Considering rather big population of the country, the forecast meanwhile the quite safe. And, obviously, the majority of these cases of Koronavirus are connected with "omicron" — he on air added radio station "Govorit Moskva". In the last 24 hours per Russian Federation revealed 7077 new cases of Koronavirus. Earlier the virologist the Dr.Sci.Biol. Aleksey Agranovsky in conversation with the FAN commented on a situation with strain distribution...