The anniversary program "The International Day of the Russian Romance in the Kremlin" will take place on February 4

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On February 4, 2023 at 18:00 in the Big hall FEDERAL STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION "GKD" the X anniversary program "The International Day of the Russian Romance in the Kremlin" from the cycle ""Romansiada's" Stars in the Kremlin" will take place. The press service reported Department of Mass Media and Advertising of the city of Moscow. Every year on the first Saturday of February on the main scene of the country the great Russian Romance reigns and the best young voices sound. In 2017 this project received aegis of the World organization Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures. And this anniversary year for the project we would like that Day of the Russian romance was included in a calendar of the significant...
Nicholas Baskov
Last position: Singer
Pavel Ivanov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "Mgato"; "Moskovskaya operetta")
Galina Preobrazhenskaya
Last position: Director, Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Dom Romansa")
Shalyapin Fedor
Vertinsky Alexander