Hell kilometers: as repair roads to Republic of Karelia

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Inhabitants of Republic of Karelia and tourists who arrive to "the region of lakes", often face an off road terrain problem. In some areas school students are compelled to reach educational institution on the killed routes, and travelers cannot reach to sights. As plan to solve a problem with off road terrain in the region – in material LLC "FederalPress". Where to Republic of Karelia a hell for the motorist In social networks a set of complaints on a condition of routes to Republic of Karelia. "When normal it will be expensive Pudozh – Kargopol, it is impossible to go 182 km of a hell, roughly speaking", – locals ask. In reply to the power report about...
Arthur Parfenchikov
Last position: Head (Government of the Republic of Karelia)
Aleksey Zubov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Pudozhsk)
Filatova Catherina
Mayorova Helena
LLC "FederalPress"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Government Agency
Government Agency