Nominees on the award "Oscar"] are declare

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The American academy of motion picture arts declared nominees on the award "Oscar". In the category "The Best Movie" for a figurine will be overcome "the Avatar: The water way" James Frensis Kemeron and "Fabelmana" Stephen Allan Spilberg, is reported by organizers of an award. Also in this nomination Makdon Martin, "the Top Gunn are presented "Bansha Inisherin": Meverik" Dzhozef Kosinski, "Tar" William Todd Fild, "Elvis" Mark Anthony Lurman, "All everywhere and at once" Daniel Kvan and Shaynert Deniel. Besides, Klas Olle Ruben Estlund "A grief triangle", "All Quiet on the Western Front" Berger Edward and "Women speak" Polli Sarah. In...