Probability of confiscation of the Russian assets abroad estimated
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In Minfin recognized that the probability of confiscation of the Russian assets abroad exists. Thus, specified in department while in the countries of the West there is no consensus on this matter, writes daily business newspaper "RBK daily". "Probably, at the expense of especially radical states certain "probing" of a situation as it can work, and then, probably will be made, the others will join also" — the deputy director of department of control behind external restrictions commented on Minfin Dmitry Kiku during discussion "From a freezing to confiscation: risks for the Russian assets in the West". To such considerably...
Sharl Iv Zhan Gizlen Michelle
Last position: Chairman (EUCO)
Dmitry Kiku
Last position: The associate director of Inspection department behind external restrictions (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Government Agency