Salaries indexed the Nizhny Novgorod teachers for 31,6% in 2023

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It is predicted that the average monthly income of residents of Nizhny Novgorod will make 44 360 rubles Indexation of salaries. Photo: Oparin Daniil Since January 1, 2023 of salaries the Nizhny Novgorod teachers were indexed for 31,6%. About it representatives Regionalnoye ministry obrazovaniya, science and youth policy reported in social networks. – Nikitin Gleb , to teachers to wait indexation of salaries? – the resident of Nizhny Novgorod Natalia Akimov on the page of the governor in "VKontakte" took an interest. The answer to this question came from Minobr. – According to the forecast of MINISTRY OF ECONOMICS AND COMPETITION POLICY OF THE NIZHNY NOVGOROD REGION the average monthly...
Natalia Akimova
Main activity:Cultural worker
Oparin Daniil
Nikitin Gleb