Capture of Starlink systems and rocket attacks — all news about SVO: day 334

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On January 23 8:55 Vladimir Rogov declared that armies Russian Federation removed the attack line in Zaporizhia Oblast the Line of attack of the territory Zaporizhia Oblast the Ukrainian fighters is removed by the Russian side, the chairman of the movement "We together with Russian Federation" declared on January 23. 8:55 Head of military investigation Ukraine told about the purposes of the killed of Security Service of Ukraine the negotiator At the regular employee of managements military investigation Ukraine, the participant of delegation at negotiations with Russian Federation Kireev Denise was a task "to drag out" negotiation process that "to win time" for VSU, and then he was killed by employees of Security Service of Ukraine. About it on January 23 told...
Andrey Marochko
Last position: Official representative in Control center and restoration (National militia of LPR)
Annalena Charlotte Alma Berbok
Last position: Minister (Federal ministerstvo inostrannykh del Federativnoy Respubliki Germaniya)
Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Eugenie Prigozhin
Last position: CEO (LLC "Konkord Management i Consulting")