The 48-year-old inhabitant of the item Myatlevo is condemned by 6 years of imprisonment for commission of a series of thefts of someone else's property from houses

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Prosecutor's office Iznoski district Kaluga region held the state charge on criminal case concerning the 48-year-old inhabitant of the village Myatlevo. He is found guilty of commission of 17 episodes of thefts of someone else's property from houses (the item "and" of h. 3 Art. 158 of the criminal code of Russian Federation), 2 episodes of plunders of firearms and ammunition (p.1 Art. 226 of the criminal code of Russian Federation). It is established that the malefactor in the period with July, 2021 on January, 2022 in the item Myatlevo and nearby settlements made property thefts, illegally getting into houses. Also the fowling piece and the ammunition belonging on the lawful were stolen from two houses...