Rare shots: four Russian banks declared expansion of staff to 15%

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The set of the personnel will mention generally spheres of IT, information security and the number of operators of call centers. Employment of new employees will carry out due to reduction of number of physical offices of banks and transfer of the most part of clients to digital formats of service. Whom else bankers in the market of vacancies are going to look for and as the reservation from partial mobilization influences this process – understood LLC "FederalPress". The Russian labor market in the bank sphere for the last years partially changed the structure. Traditional employees of banks are succeeded by operators of digital offices...
Sergei Khotimsky
Last position: Co-owner, first deputy chairman of the board (PJSC Sovcombank)
Galina Vaysband
Last position: Vice-president for personnel management (HCF Bank LLC)
Dimitri Tulin
Last position: First Deputy Chairman (Bank of Russia)
Shamilov Arthur
Anikina Darya
LLC "FederalPress"
Main activity:Communication and IT
PJSC Sovcombank
Main activity:Finance
JSC Alfa-Bank
Main activity:Finance