On January 19, 2023 in MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA took place the round table devoted to a condition of the Russian-German relations at the chancellor Olaf Sholts. Within a round table the report presentation "Change through] took plac

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On January 19, 2023 in MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA took place the round table devoted to a condition of the Russian-German relations at the chancellor Olaf Sholts. Within a round table the report presentation "Change through a distance took place: Olaf Sholts and the Russian-German relations", Institutes prepared by experts the international researches MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA, and also presentation of the monograph of professor MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA, d.i.n. Nicholas Pavlov "Ayr of Angela Merkel". Research associate of Department of the European political researches k.polit.n. Khorolskaya Maria acted on the round...
Olaf Sholts
Last position: Federal chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Khorolskaya Maria
MGIMO University
Main activity:Science and education