Denis Pushilin ousted the Minister of Justice of Donetsk People's Republic
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The acting chapter Donetsk People's Republic (Donetsk People's Republic) Denis Pushilin dismissed the Minister of Justice of Donetsk People's Republic Youri Nikolaevich Sirovatko. The decree is laid out in Telegram "Donetsk People's Republic. It is accepted" in which official documents of the republic are published. The official lost a post since January 8. The reason of resignations is not specified. On December 20 Denis Pushilin dismissed Natalia Nikonorova, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the republic holding a post. Resignation was connected with abolition of the ministry after entry of the republic into structure Russian Federation...
Denis Pushilin
Last position: Acting as Head of the Donetsk People's Republic
Natalia Nikonorova
Main activity:Official
Konstantinov Maxime