Bendzhamin-Pavel Dudu: "Minsk" carried out the first stage of a season of League of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" not as it would be desirable"
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The forward of "Minsk" Bendzhamin-Pavel Dudu told about a spirit of command for a match of League of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" with "Locomotive Kuban". "The first stage of the regular championship of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" comes to the end. Unfortunately, it was not succeeded to carry out it as it would be desirable. And each game for us as chance to prove to itself that we can be competitive and win. I do not doubt a spirit of team, and it is sure that everyone is ready to leave and fight", – declared the Fife...
Bendzhamin-Pavel Dudu
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (BQ "Tsmokі-Mіnsk")