Court arrested the head of the Moscow NPTs of narcology Sergei Koporov in the matter of Eugenie Alekseevich Bryun

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Chapter STATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "MNPTS NARKOLOGII DZM" Sergei Koporov arrested till March 12. At the disposal of REN TV there were shots from a court hall where to the person involved in business chose a measure of restraint. "The measure of restraint in the form of imprisonment concerning Sergei Koporov, accused of the commission of crime, the provided h is chosen. 4 Art. 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation, for the term of 2 months, that is till March 12, 2023", - it is spoken in the message of Site Tverskoy District district court cities Moscow. Let's remind that before REN TV reported about it detention within business of business of the former chief non-staff addiction psychiatrist...