Британского депутата выгнали из правящей партии за сравнение вакцины от коронавируса с холокостом

Комментарий Эндрю Бриджена прозвучал за две недели до Дня памяти жертв Холокоста, который отмечается 27 января...
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Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Риши Сунак
Main activity:Official
Andrew James Bridzhen
Last position: Chairman of Committee on regulatory reform (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Simon Anthony Hart
Last position: Parliamentary secretary of treasury, Chief member of the government (House of Commons United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Bill Gates (Bill Gates)
Last position: Adviser to the chairman of the board (Microsoft)
Pfizer, Inc
Conservative Party (UK)
Political ideology:Conservatism, British unionizm, economic liberalism, Euroscepticism.