Позвали в ГОСТ: власти проконтролируют цены управляющих компаний

Зачем нужны стандарты обслуживания многоквартирных домов и каких услуг они...
Pavel Sklyanchuk
Last position: Expert of the thematic platform "Housing and Urban Environment" (OBSHCHEROSSIYSKY NARODNY FRONT, ONF)
Alexander Yakubovsky
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on natural resources, property and the land relations, the member of the commission concerning support of the small and medium entrepreneurship (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Tatyana Vepretskaya
Last position: Director (ANP "NZHK")
Grant Agasyan
Last position: Co-owner (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "IAF")
Korotaev Dimitri