History Zaporizhia Oblast – edges of contention and the range of big strategy

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At the end of September following the results of a referendum inhabitants Zaporizhia Oblast made the decision on an entrance to structure Russian Federation. This decision was given hardly. For the last 8 years the edge passed through a set of tests: planting of alien ideology, attempt of a mode to cancel their native language, operations. LLC "FederalPress" tell about rich history, culture and economy Zaporizhia Oblast and also why her inhabitants preferred to be Russians, instead of Ukrainians. From the Wild field to Novorossiya  the Historical territory Zaporizhia (nowadays – Zaporizhia Oblast) – over 27 thousand sq.km. By the sizes it is comparable...
Dmitry Makeev
Last position: Head of the municipality Verevsky rural settlement of the Gatchina municipal district of the Leningrad Region
Aleksandrov I. G.
Cooper Khyu
Brezhnev S.
Shveyko Andrey
LLC "FederalPress"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Production of consumer goods
Newport News Shipbuilding
Main activity:Construction
Zaporizhia NPP
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water