On the power unit No. 1 of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" finished installation of an internal protective cover

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Soderzhaniyeistoriya 2022 Completion of installation of an internal protective cover on the power unit No. 1 the Gap contracts with T2IC the Arrangement on receiving $15 billion from State corporation "Rosatom" on completion of constructions the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" the Project of a construction of the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" - in an active phase 2021: The plan of commissioning of the first reactor in 2023 2010: Agreement on construction languid power plant "Akkaya" Nuclear power Main article: Economy Turkey the First nuclear power plant to Turkey. As the general designer of station "Atomenergoproyekt" - the affiliated company State corporation "Rosatom" acts. The agreement on construction the nuclear power plant "Akkuyu" was...