About Russian Federation the future "Russian salad and robots" will show series on TNT already today

@Simbirskij Katalog
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In roles – stars from Youri Kutsenko to Irina Gorbacheva On Monday and Tuesday, January 9 and 10, at 22.00 on air TNT there will take place display of the fantastic comedy "Russian Salad and Robots" about collision of the Russian mentality and the progress world in the near technocratic future. Within two days on TNT will show the anthology from six episodes about what amusing and sometimes absurd stories can wait for Russians ahead – in conditions when Artificial intelligence already got the best over human, and clever gadgets became full-fledged members of usual families. In each series - "Acquaintance", "The teacher of year", "Robot...
Youri Kutsenko (Gosha Kutsenko)
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Askar Ilyasov
Last position: Stage and film actor
Danila Yakushev
Last position: Stage and film actor
Ilya Nikolaevich Lykov
Last position: Actor ("Moscow city theater "Sovremennik")