In State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation suggested to redeem at China an aircraft carrier and to designate in honor of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
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The first deputy head of committee of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation across Far East Sergei Karginov proposed to redeem at China Kiev the Soviet aircraft carrier and to call it in honor of the chairman of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky. About it reports Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" with reference to the corresponding address addressed to the director of the department of Asian and Pacific cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Aleksey Mikhaylovich Ovchinnikov. "Varangian" who passed to Ukraine under contract about the section of the Black Sea fleet of the USSR is a question of an aircraft carrier, and then was sold China for re-equipment in casinos. According to the parliamentarian, vessel...
Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Mikhaylovich Ovchinnikov
Last position: Director of the department of Asian and Pacific cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Sergei Karginov
Last position: First deputy chairman (State Duma Committee on the North and Far East Affairs)