"Game time! ! ! " The player who has transferred cardiac arrest of NFL posted the photo from hospitals

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The player of the protective line of NFL <0> club "Baffalo Bills" Khemlin Damar, transferred on January 3 cardiac arrest in a match with Club "Tsintsinnati Bengals", published a post on social networks before a today's match of the team with Club "Nyu-Inglend Petriots". "Game time! ! ! " — Khemlin Damar wrote and attached the photo in which lies in chamber of hospitals in a t-shirt with "Love for Damar" inscription in an environment of family members. Photo: Khemlin Damar we Will remind personal archive, Khemlin Damar fell in the field after contact with the player of "Bengals". For rendering helps to the 24-year-old player in the field there was a crew the first helps. To it on a place...