The singer Catherina Semenov did not commit nearly suicide because of adulteries] twic

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The musical performer Catherina Semenov was at popularity peak in the eighties the last century. However later the woman decided to give up creative career and devoted itself to arrangement of private life, writes Magazine "StarHit". First marriage with Baturin Andrey lasted nine years. After feeling died away and couple divorced then Catherina Semenov got acquainted with Mikhail Tserishenko and married it. About changes Baturin Andrey she learned after divorce. "A last straw was that I several times caught from it a venereal disease. I thought, this simple inflammation, but then doctors opened to me...
Catherina Semyonova
Last position: Singer, actress, composer
Mikhail Tserishenko
Main activity:Cultural worker
Baturin Andrey