"Only Dmitry Rylov was restored, at once a trauma at Apollinariya Panfilov who for a long time beat out children. Plus world situation". Slyusarenko Pawel about completion of career of a duet

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The trainer Slyusarenko Pawel explained the reasons of completion of career of world champions among juniors in Apollinariya Panfilov and Dmitry Rylov. – How you apprehended this solution of your couple? – We collectively made this decision. The last two years of children pursue injuries. Only, it seems, Dmitry Rylov was restored after a back, all elements, at once a trauma at Polina who for a long time beat out children restored. Plus world situation. Children, probably, were tired to be treated, restored therefore decided to certify career. – You mentioned including a world situation. That is it affects motivation? .