Tour of four springboards. 4th stage. Granerud, Kubatski, Lanishek, Kamil Victor Stokh, Kraft, Kobayasi, Lindvik will act in the first attempt

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The Norwegian Khalvor Egner Granerud won a victory at the fourth stage "Tour of Four Springboards" in the Austrian Bishofskhofena. Ski jumping of "Tour of four springboards" 4th stage Bishofskhofen, Austria HS142 1. Khalvor Egner Granerud (Norway) – 313,4 points (139,5 m %2B 143,5 m) 2. Anzhe Lanishek (Slovenia) – 305,5 (140,5 m %2B 139,0 m) 3. David Kubatski (Poland) – 303,7 (135,5 m %2B 140,0 m) 4. Mikhael Khaybek (Austria) – 297,6 m (138,5 m %2B 137,0 m) 5. Ian Kherl (Austria) – 292,1 (135,5 m %2B 140,5 m) 6. Kamil Victor Stokh (Poland) – 289,9 (138,0 m %2B 134,5 m) 7. Peter Prevts (Slovenia) – 288,6 (134,5 m %2B 139,5 m) 8...
Khalvor Egner Granerud
Last position: The professional athlete on ski jumping
Anzhe Lanishek
Last position: The professional athlete on ski jumping
Mikhael Khaybyok
Last position: The professional athlete on ski jumping
Ian Khyorl
Last position: The professional athlete on ski jumping