Miscellaneous. The leader has more than 5 million subscribers! Ratings of the most popular Belarusian athletes in website "Instagram"] are mad

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On Bet News lists of the most popular athletes Belarus on subscribers on a social network of website "Instagram" are published. So, the most popular the female athlete is the tennis-player Victoria Azarenko (696,4 thousand follover). In the five Arina Sobolenko, Melitina Stanyuta, Barabanshchikova Olga and Darya Domracheva. Men have the most popular fighter Allazov Chingiz, at which 5,22 million subscribers. In the three the best Orlovsky Andrey and Litvin Nicholas. Ratings entirely (top-20 at women and top-20 at men) are available according to the reference below. The most popular Belarusian athletes in website "Instagram". Who are they? .