In Priargunsk district court pronounced a sentence on criminal case about theft of money and failure to pay the alimony on the maintenance of the juvenile child

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Prosecutor's office Priargunsk district Zabaykalsky Krai supported in court the state charge on criminal case concerning the 24-year-old inhabitant of the item. Youth. He is found guilty of commission of the crimes provided by the item "and" of h. 3 Art. 158 (theft with illegal penetration into the dwelling) and p.1 Art. 157 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (failure to pay by the parent without valid excuse in defiance of the solution of vessels funds for the maintenance of the minor child, made repeatedly). Court established that in August, 2021 the man who was in an alcohol intoxication illegally got into the house by a free access, from where stole 14...